Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation

Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation

Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation

Similarly to people, animals can experience musculoskeletal disorders that affect their ability to move comfortably and have a good quality of life. Veterinary orthopedic manipulation helps pets with arthritis and other movement-related issues heal more quickly and efficiently. Animal Wellness Center in Davis, CA, uses this therapy to give our pet patients greater comfort and improved physical function. Learn more about veterinary orthopedic manipulation and how it can help your pet below.

What Is Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation?

Veterinary orthopedic manipulation is a healing practice used by veterinarians for treating several spine, joint, and bone-related problems. Orthopedic manipulation aims to find misalignments in your pet’s body that disrupt the nerve function needed for mobility. Our veterinarian uses a handheld device to correct these misalignments and restore normal movement.

What Conditions Can Orthopedic Manipulation Treat?

Our animal hospital can use orthopedic manipulation to help with various health problems involving the musculoskeletal system. These issues can range from overuse injuries, sprains due to athletic activities, and osteoarthritis in aging pets. Orthopedic manipulation may also help with problems like hip dysplasia, esophageal issues, digestive conditions, and endocrine system disorders. Some pets also respond well to orthopedic manipulation for post-surgical therapy.

What Happens During Orthopedic Manipulation?

During a veterinary orthopedic manipulation session, your pet will lie on a padded table as our veterinarian uses their hands to work on its muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Our veterinarian will restore your pet’s proper alignment and relieve unnatural pressure on its muscles and nerves. Doing this allows your pet to experience more efficient movement, pain relief, and improved musculoskeletal function. Your pet should be able to resume normal activities after the session with minimal pain and discomfort.

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Davis, CA, for Orthopedic Manipulation Today

Musculoskeletal issues can significantly impact your pet’s ability to move and play if left untreated, so contact Animal Wellness Center in Davis, CA, to get the orthopedic manipulation necessary to help your pet move freely again. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (530) 756-7387 to learn how veterinary orthopedic manipulation can help your pet to be more comfortable and active.


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